Living with the Holy


How we practice our faith is important. There are many tools we can use as we connect to God every moment of every day. Whether it is through worship, prayer, journaling, study, silence, fasting, or another act, we are saying to God: “This is important, I want to be in relationship and communication with you.”

Living with the Holy, offers simple ways for your families to model, develop, and practice using different spiritual tools. Together, we grow stronger in our faith and in our relationships with God and one another. The resource is offered as an online pdf for you to view and download. It is offered free to you thanks to the faithful giving of United Methodist Churches across the global connection, and to the hard work of staff at Discipleship Ministries, an agency of the United Methodist Church.

The pages in this resource contain multiple options for you and your family as you pay attention and respond to God’s grace and love. The goal is not to follow this guide page-by-page or step-by-step. Instead, pick one moment in the day and commit to one liturgical practice. In time, you will discover the joy and peace that comes when you mark your hours in prayer and intentional living.

As you experience God with your family- make sure you let me and others know what is working, what challenges you are having, and what you want to celebrate. You can do this by using social media to share your story:

@tcampenumc we experienced God when/at/today ______ #riotxfamily.

I look forward to hearing and sharing how families across the globe are experiencing God and sharing God’s love together.